F31 B3 or D3 touring
F31 B3 or D3 touring
Morning all, long time lurker on this forum and hopefully will one day be a first time owner after lusting after an Alpina for years! Looking for an F31 D3 or B3 touring, ideally a dark exterior colour: Green (dream spec) Grey, Black or Silver (at a push). This will replace my current Audi RS4 which is a low mileage 20 plate so willing to wait for a good spec low mileage car, if anyone is looking to sell in the future please let me know - keeping my eye on the classifieds here regularly. Thanks. Alastair
Re: F31 B3 or D3 touring
Sytner notts have the unicorn B3s 52k
White d3 20k Scotland way
Black d3 20k south England
See wanted thread
White d3 20k Scotland way
Black d3 20k south England
See wanted thread